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Past Collaborations

With Jackson Vickery

Maloya Music
Research Showcase

Jackson Vickery is a freelance percussionist and educator based in Perth, Western Australia. He specialises in contemporary and world percussion and has studied at the University of Western Australia Conservatorium of Music. Jackson and Muriel collaborated on a different form of presentation for the WAAPA Research Showcase 2019, involving VoiceOver that told the history of Maloya, improvised Maloya percussion to accompany the storytelling and improvised dancing. To conclude the showcase they did two live Maloya songs.

Performers: Jackson Vickery, Carole Katz, Lucette Barbier, M-Muriel Hillion Toulcanon


With Axel Sautron

Maloya Dance and Music
Workshops and 

Research Showcase

Axel is a Réunionese artist Muriel invited to Perth in 2017 to facilitate Maloya dance and music workshops for her students, so they have the opportunity to experience Maloya with a different teacher. With Axel, she also collaborated on a Maloya dance piece to be presented at the WAAPA Research Showcase 2017. This particular piece explored the different Maloya rhythms using instruments, singing and improvised dancing.

Artists: Axel Sautron, Benjamin Hillion, Michael Boase, Gabrielle Canny, Maëlys Joli, M-Muriel Hillion Toulcanon

With Inge Van Winkel

Maloya Dance
Research Showcase

Inge is a professional dancer specialised in dance education, contemporary Euro-American and West-African Dance. Inge and Muriel collaborated on a Maloya dance piece to be presented at the WAAPA Research Showcase in 2016. This dance depicted the ritualistic aspect of Maloya, involving Malagasy spirits and Moring, the Réunionese martial art. They included improvised parts, but also some choreographed sections.

Artists: Inge Van Winkel, M-Muriel Hillion Toulcanon

Spectrum Project 08 Oct 16 (PRINT)-23.jpg

Credits: most photos from this website were taken by Peter Zuvela, Joao Sela, Nic Casta and Stephen Heath

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